St Francis Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

School Day

Children must be at school each morning by 8.50 a.m. Attendance and punctuality is recorded, monitored and reported in line with our attendance policy.

Electronic registration takes place in the morning and afternoon. A member of staff is on duty from 8.40 a.m. Children are the responsibility of parents/carers before school and should not be in the playground unsupervised before this time.

Total time in a typical week: 32.9 hours 

The school day is as follows:

  • 8.30am - Start of School Day for Nursery children
  • 8.40am - School bell goes and doors are opened for children to enter. This allows for a calm start and means children are ready to learn when school starts.
  • 8:50 a.m. – Start of school day and doors close
  • 10.15-10.30am - Morning break
  • 11:30 a.m. – Lunch for Nursery and Reception children
  • 12:00pm – Lunch for KS1 and KS2
  • 3:15pm – End of the School day
  • 3:30 p.m. – End of School day for Nursery children 


Please be prompt in collecting your child.

If, for ANY reason you cannot collect your child on time, please contact the office to let us know on

01274 638520

If there are changes as to who is collecting your child please ensure that you give their details to the office in the morning.